(Part 2) Wizzair teaches us new, unified language Polenglish
This is a photo of a boarding card. The whole card is in English, except for the large-font caption, which reads: “Please go to the gate immedietally” in Polish. The only problem is that word “gate” can no longer be translated into Polish, right? It had to stay “Gate” (instead of “Bramka”). At least someone was trying to make it a Polish-kind of word and did declension (Gate’u).
This is the first post (of many coming) with stuff that is so funny I could not resist myself to capture the moment with mobile phone camera ...
Part 1: Hertz and the the lesson of geography
I never knew for my whole life I was Czech, not Pole. Apparently, Hertz is convinced I am. And this is not just the labels being switch. The prices sounds right - €50 for “the region I called Poland” and €34 for “the region I used to call Czech Republic”.
The problem I usually have when starting to use a new library/API is which JARs to include so that only those required are included, and none else. Usually this is a wild guess, or listing content of all available JARs.
With Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) this is no longer the case. The new “Preview” comes very handy in times like that.